How To Say “Go Away” In Japanese

Sometimes you just want to be left alone. Maybe you’re busy on a project and you need some solitude to work on it. Or perhaps you’re just not feeling well and need to relax by yourself. Whatever the reason, you need to know how to say go away in Japanese.

Keep in mind that these phrases aren’t really nice ways to tell a person you need some “me time.” Rather, they’re closer to the phrase “buzz off” and can come across as a bit aggressive.

You probably won’t want to use them with people who are above you like you boss or a teacher. However, you will definitely hear them in shows and anime, so it’s a good idea to learn them.

How To Say Go Away In Japanese

The first phrase that we’ll go over is one that you can use to tell a person to “go away” or to “buzz off” or any other way that you can think of to yell at a person to let them know to leave you alone.

  • あっちへ行け!
  • acchi e ike!
  • Go away!

The word あっち (acchi) is an informal word that means “over there” and is used when referring to a location that is away from both the speaker and the listener.

You may have seen some of its more formal versions such as あちら (achira) or あそこ (asoko) that basically mean the same thing.

But since this phrase is kind of a rude one to yell, it makes sense that you would use the informal version.

Then you see the particle へ (e) which means “towards” in this context. In other words, the phrase あっちへ (acchi e) means “towards that direction away from us” and isn’t really an exact location.

If you were referring to a specific location, then you would more than likely use に (ni) instead. But since this phrase is all about getting a person to leave you alone, it doesn’t really matter where they go as long as it’s away.

Finally you see 行け (ike) which comes from 行く (iku) which means “to go” but when it’s conjugated into the imperative form of 行け (ike) it is being used as a command.

Related: How To Say Let’s Go In Japanese.

An even ruder way to tell a person to “beat it” is with the verb 消える (kieru) which means “to vanish; to disappear.”

Again, when the verb is changed so that you can order another person to do something, it makes it kind of vulgar.

  • 消えろ!
  • kiero!
  • Get lost!

You will probably hear this word used by yakuza or the villains found in anime.

How To Say Move Out Of The Way In Japanese

The Japanese verb 動く (ugoku) means “to move” and similar to the imperative form that we saw earlier in 行け (ike), we can also change this new verb into its imperative form in order to tell a person to move.

  • そこ動けよ!
  • soko ugoke yo!
  • Move it!


In this situation, you’re not really telling them to “go away” like we saw with あっち (acchi) but rather you’re telling them that they are in the way and you want them to move out of the way. The word そこ (soko) means “there” and indicates a location near the listener.

Another word that can be used to tell people to move comes from the verb 退く (doku) which simply means “to step aside; to move (i.e. out of the way).”

  • 退いて。
  • doite.
  • Get out of the way.

Even though this verb is in the te-form which is generally considered polite, どいて (doite) is a little on the blunt side of things which comes across poorly in Japanese.

If you wanted to politely as a person to make room for you to pass, you would be much more likely to use すみません (sumimasen) for “excuse me.”

Related: How To Say Excuse Me In Japanese.

How To Say I Don’t Want To See Your Face In Japanese

Let’s say you’re pretty fed up with a person and you just want them to leave you alone. Unfortunately for you they just keep bugging you and you’re at the end of you rope when it comes to dealing with them.

Maybe in a time like this you feel like you’re about to explode and you fly off the handle by telling them to scram and that you don’t want to see their face anymore!

  • 顔も見たくない!
  • kao mo mitaku nai!
  • I don’t wanna see your face (beat it)!

How To Say Leave Me Alone In Japanese

Staying along these lines of trying to get people to just leave you alone, you might consider using that phrase directly.

The word 放る (houru) means “to leave alone” and is part of the expression 放っておく (houtte oku) which can be used to say that something is being “left alone” or “left as it is.”

  • 放っておいて!
  • houtte oite!
  • Leave me alone!

Since this phrase is usually spat out quickly when a person it angry, the て (te) and the following お (o) usually get contracted into とい (toi) as in the following:

  • 放っといて!
  • houttoite!
  • Go away!

How To Say Enough Of This In Japanese

If someone is constantly bugging you by making loud noises or bouncing off of the walls, you might want to tell them something along the lines of “that’s enough!” or “enough of this crap!” in order to get them to stop.

In Japanese there’s a phrase that you can use to express this feeling.

The version that would most likely be used by females or teachers towards their kids or students is:

  • いい加減にしなさい!
  • ii kagen ni shinasai!
  • Behave yourself!

Whereas the version that is more likely to be used by men and sound more commanding would be:

  • いい加減にしろ!
  • ii kagen ni shiro!
  • Cut it out!

Now it’s time for me to “cut it out” and end this post.

Hopefully you learned a lot of new words and phrases today. If you have any questions or comments that you would like to make, please feel free to do so in the section down below.

Thanks for reading!

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