Gabriel at Interviews Me On Learning Japanese

Hey, what’s going on everybody?

Some of you may be familiar with Gabriel J. Pérez Irizarry who runs the Japanese language learning website

As it turns out, he wanted to do an interview with me on learning Japanese, resources that I’ve found useful, and much more.

I think it turned out really well, and encourage you all to check it out here, along with the rest of his site.

One of the super cool things that Gabriel is doing is working on his Japanese Readers that allow you to learn the language through native video games (like Chrono Trigger) and manga (like Dragon Ball).

As I continue to not only learn Japanese myself, but learn how to learn, I believe that the sooner you can get to the point where you are engaging with native materials (usually at the intermediate level), the better off you will be.

This will allow you to learn the language from itself, which is a pretty incredible thing.

Anyway, like I said before, check out the interview to learn more, and I hope you enjoy it!


2 thoughts on “Gabriel at Interviews Me On Learning Japanese”

  1. Hello Nick,

    Like you, I would like to be as native fluent in Japanese as well as English venturing elsewhere.

    Since this interview was done in 2018, was that before you started using LingQ?

    If so, how would you rate LingQ rate today based on the list of five resources mentioned in the interview not factoring the monthly referral commision (i.e, bias, conflict of interest, etc.).

    Would you still recommend in comparison to the other resources across your entire language journey as of today?

    Note: I am not attributing any ill motive on your part.

    Thank you!

    • If I remember correctly, the interview was done shortly before I started using LingQ.

      I think that LingQ is the best resource out there for Intermediate Japanese. I say that because it is kind of hard for beginner’s to figure out and use, but if you already have the basics of Japanese down then it allows you to access native-level content and understand it using their tools.

      Fluency is more a matter of spoken conversation, and so LingQ is average when it comes to that particular activity because they pair you up with a native tutor – something that a lot of other websites do.

      The main thing that LingQ does that I haven’t seen anyone else do is make native content (both written and audio) very comprehensible. I learned more words, phrases, and improved my ability to understand conversations in the first year of using LingQ than I did with all of the other stuff before I got to it.

      But again, I think that it worked so well for me because I already had that beginner foundation established.

      Hopefully that helps, thanks!


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