TokyoTreat Review – Authentic Snacks from Japan!

Do you like Japan? Yeah, me too. What about snacks? Yep, I like those as well. We’ve got a lot in common 🙂 so today I’m going to share my TokyoTreat review which is all about getting authentic snacks from Japan!

The wonderful team at TokyoTreat reached out to me and asked if I would be interested in trying out one of their monthly boxes full of Japanese snacks for free and then talking about it here on my blog.

Of course I said yes!

Each month centers around a specific theme, and the theme for this month is the new year (let’s go 2023!).

I’m going to share my overall experience, talk about (and show) the goodies, and let you know more about TokyoTreat so you can try it out for yourself if you’re interested.

Let’s get started!

It Feels Like Getting A Present

Bite into Japan

You know the feeling right? You order something online, eagerly wait for it to arrive, and then are super excited once it shows up on your doorstep.

That’s the feeling I had while waiting for my TokyoTreat box to arrive. The only difference is that I didn’t know what all was going to be included.

You can look up and read all about the upcoming box on their site, but I wanted it to be a surprise so I didn’t look up any spoilers.

Once I opened it and got a look inside, I was a little shocked at just how much I got!

An Adventure And A Guide All In One Book

Japanese Cultural Booklet

Each box contains 15-20 full size Japanese snacks. Let that sink in for a moment…

It’s a LOT of snacks!

In addition to the many goodies that I was about to enjoy (and that I’ll talk about in just a minute), I also received a 24-page cultural guide book.

The book is super cool.

For starters, there are sections that talk about each and every snack. For me, this is amazing because you can read about what it tastes like before you open it up and try it.

Some have crunchy, butter goodness. Others have a nice crunchy texture and a tangy sauce.

Either way, you will know what to expect before you pop it into your mouth.

But I digress… Let’s get back to the book.

In addition to information on the snacks, it also contains a lot of culture and historical information concerning the topic / theme of the box.

For example, the one I received talks about cultural traditions and habits of Japan around the time of the New Years holiday.

Something I didn’t know, but learned from the booklet, was that Japan used to use the lunar calendar, but switched over to the Gregorian calendar in 1873 thanks to Emperor Meiji.

Japanese History and Tradition

There was even a fun “Let’s Learn Japanese!” section that teaches how to say “Happy New Year!” in Japanese:

  • 明けましておめでとうございます!
  • akemashite omedetō gozaimasu!

Each page is full of pictures that illustrate each topic it covers so you can see it while you read it.

And I mean, come on… It reads from right to left just like how Japanese people read their books!

How cool is that?!

Let’s Dig In!

Japanese Snacks

OK, now we gotta’ talk about the snacks!

As you can see from the above picture, there are a ton of them, and the book goes into depth on each one so I was able to figure out which ones I wanted to try out first.

Being a huge fan of the SPY x FAMILY anime, I had to start with the Anya Candy of course!

It was a hard candy with a sweet and sour fruit flavor. It was actually really nice and the kind of candy that I could pop in my mouth and suck on it until it completely dissolved.

All the while thinking about my father who’s a spy and my mother who’s an assassian XD

Anya Candy

Also, one of the fun things about this candy is that there are actually two different versions of the packaging: Happy Anya and Senister Anya.

The second candy I tried was the Black Thunder Butter Cookie.

Let me tell you, I was BLOWN AWAY!

It was soo flipping good!

And you know, I’m the kind of guy who’s been known to just grab a handful of candy and toss it into my mouth – crunch crunch, thank you munch.

But not with this candy.

This is the kind of candy that you want to take you time enjoying. Savoring the unique chocolatey, buttery flavor with each crunchy bite.

Japanese Chocolate

I almost forgot to take a picture before I are it all, lol!

Something that I’ve noticed is that Japanese sweets and treats are not like American ones.

They have a much more unique, sometimes even exotic flavor to them.

Personally, I really enjoyed them. I alluded to it before, but it’s because biting into a Japanese snack is not just another piece of candy – it’s a piece of Japan.

When I close my eyes and take a bite, I imagine that I’m there. Surrounded by the cherry blossoms, or sitting in a small Japanese cafe, enjoying the snack and savoring the moment.

This isn’t just a snack box from Japan – It’s an experience from Japan.

And truth be told, I find myself satisfied and wanting more at the same time.

Go figure.

The last snack I’ll talk about before we move on is the Soba Snack (also called: soba meshi そばめし).

See if you can locate it from the picture of all the snacks above.

This was a mix of crunchy rice puffs and fried noodles flavored with a nori seaweed and tangy sauce.

I loved it!

And not just because it was quite different from any of the sweets I had had before.

It was one of those snacks that I found myself eating, and eating, and then eating some more until there was nothing left!

When I am not able to put a snack down until its all gone, that’s both a good sign (at how delicious it is) and also a bad sign (at how little self-control I have!).

There are of course many, many more snacks. Not just in the box that I received, but also each new box that comes out each month.

To learn about them all, you will just have to try them out for yourself 😉

Not Just Treats, But An Experience Too

A Japanese Experience

I know this review just sounds like me gushing about how much I like TokyoTreat (and I do) but after contemplating it some more, I think I’ve figured out why.

TokyoTreat is not just a box full of Japanese snacks.

It’s an experience.

It’s a taste of Japan.

And that is a lot of fun to get to experience firsthand.

I really enjoyed getting to write this review and I am so thankful to the amazing team over at TokyoTreat for giving me this opportunity.

I didn’t go into detail on all of the other cool things that they are doing, but to give you a quick summary of everything that comes with the monthly subscription, there are:

  • Snacks
  • A cultural booklet
  • Photo contests
  • Discussion forms
  • Chances to win prizes
  • Reward systems

I’m sure there may be a thing or two that I am missing, but I would like to point you in their direction so you can learn more directly from the source.

Where To Find TokyoTreat

Thank you so much for reading about my experience with my TokyoTreat box.

If you would like to learn more about them, or try it out for yourself, then I recommend heading over to their website by clicking on the link below:

Like I said, it was a great experience and I am excited to get to share it with all of you.

If you’ve tried them out before and would like to share your own experience, then please feel free to do so by leaving a comment down below.

Thank you


7 thoughts on “TokyoTreat Review – Authentic Snacks from Japan!”

  1. This post is as beautiful as you have tried to comment on it as well and I think if you ever see a good post, make it a comment, it increases the spirits of the front. And it gets better in his life.

  2. A great post here. I want to thank you for this informative read, I really appreciate you sharing this great post. Keep up your work your post is beautiful.

  3. What is definitely not super cool is the blatant use of more plastic packaging that ends up in landfill.
    As a young gaijin , here is a perfect opportunity for you to enlighten this culture about a more gentle way to treat our planet. Don’t get me wrong .. I love Japan and it’s food. And I am not some crackpot grabbing a chance to vent.
    Here’s a suggestion.. why not look into using environmentally friendly packaging? Thank you.


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