How To Say “Me Too” In Japanese

The most enjoyable conversations are the ones where you really connect with the other person and you have an easy back and forth. One of the best ways to create this pleasant environment is to show agreement with what the other person is saying. That’s why learning how to say “me too” in Japanese is an essential phrase.

There are actually quite a few different Japanese words for “me” but I’ll just focus on the most common ones so that you don’t get overwhelmed. As for the “too” part, it’s really as simple as adding on a single particle.

That being said, conversations can start to sound awkward when you repeat the same phrase over and over again, so I will give you some alternatives to use in order to keep things fresh.

Me Too in Japanese

Like I mentioned before, there are many Japanese words for me but the three most common ones are the following.

The first word is 私 (watashi) which is both a polite and a gender neutral word which can mean “me; I” depending on the context of the situation.

This is the word used most often by non-natives who speak Japanese, as well as Japanese women. Men use it too, but there are a couple other common words that they might choose to use when the situation is more relaxed.

The second word is 僕 (boku) which means the exact same thing, but has a casual feeling associated with it. It is also used predominately by men, although I have heard it used by women every once in a blue moon.

The third and final word that you will probably hear a lot in anime or TV shows is 俺 (ore) which is almost exclusively used by men and has a rough, tough feeling about it.

It would actually be considered rude to use this word in most everyday type situations, so I would recommend using it. I just add it here because you are likely to hear it used when listening to Japanese shows.

Then we get to the Japanese particle も (mo) which has many, many different meanings depending on how it is used and what words it gets attached to.

That being said, the most common understanding of it is “too; also” and this is especially true when it is attached to one of the words for me.

  • 私も!
  • watashi mo!
  • Me too!

Any time that a person says something that can also be applied to you, such as the fact that the like sushi or that they are from a certain part of the country, you can say 私も to share that you both have this thing in common.

You can also change it to 僕も if you’re a guy who is talking to his friends.

But what if you’ve already said this several times and are looking for something new to add to the conversation? Read on to learn what you can do.

The Same In Japanese

The Japanese word 同じ (onaji) means “the same” and can be used in many different sentences to say things like “A is the same as B” or when you’re ordering food with a phrase like “I’ll have the same as him” and so on.

While this word won’t always replace the 私も we covered earlier, there are cases where it would be nice to say that something is the same for you as it is for someone else.

  • 彼は私と同じ学校に通っています。
  • kare wa watashi to onaji gakkou ni kayotte imasu.
  • He goes to the same school as I do.


When people talk about the things that they are into, such as music being one of their hobbies, you can say things like “I have the same interests as you do” by using 同じ.

  • 趣味が同じですね。
  • kyoumi ga onaji desu ne.
  • We’re into the same things, eh?

But what if you just want to let the other person know that you agree with them? That’s what we will cover in two separate ways in the following sections.

I Agree In Japanese

I Agree In Japanese

Japanese can be a funny language to learn because you often learn that there are certain rules which must always be followed.

For example, I remember reading that a complete Japanese sentence must always end with a verb.

But then when I started reading manga and watching anime, I ran into a lot of situations where the character would express a simple, yet complete thought and there was no verb involved!

The word that I’m about to share with you is one of those types of situations.

The Japanese word for agree is 賛成 (sansei) and is classified as a suru-verb which simple means that when it appears on it’s own it is treated as a noun (approval; agreement) but when you add する (suru) to the end it changes it into a verb (I agree; she agrees).

That being said, there are many times when a person says something like “I think we should pig out on ice cream tonight” and the other character responds with nothing but a resounding 「賛成!」 which gets translated as “I agree!” or even just “agreed!”

So, when you listen to something that someone else says, such as the Final Fantasy VII remake being an incredible game, you can let them know that you think so too by saying 賛成します (sansei shimasu) in polite situations, or just yell 賛成 if you’re feeling like an anime character, lol!

I Think So In Japanese

Staying in line with expressing your consensus on a matter, another option that you have available to you is to tell the other person that you think such-and-such a thing that they have said it true.

Perhaps they are explaining their theory on why fresh cookie cake is the best version of cake out there.

Once they give all the reasons why it’s a gift straight from the heavens, you let them know you are in line with their thoughts.

  • はい、そう思います。
  • hai, sou omoi masu.
  • Yeah, I think so.

This is a great way to take your turn in a conversation by letting the listener know that you agree with what they’ve said and that you have been listening closely.

If you disagree with their opinion, then it would probably be best to keep that to yourself since the communication culture of Japan is one of overall harmony at the expense of individual thought and opinion.

Keeping The Conversation Fun

Although the rules for polite conversation are a little more strict in Japan than in other areas of the world, the simple fact remains that most people are not looking to argue when they talk to other people.

By and large, we just want to share an experience, talk about our thoughts, or enjoy the company of people whom we care about and find interesting.

So by using the above phrases in Japanese, you can keep up your side of the conversation while allowing the other person to talk about their interests and you still get to add to the overall enjoyment of both parties.

Let me know what your best conversational tips are by leaving a comment below!

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